Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sophie's Farm Lives!

This is the beginning of turning the back field into a vegetable farm.  As you can see, the field's been plowed/ploughed.  There are lots of rocks.  Every morning I've been throwing a few in the wheel barrow but Nic says it's the rocks you don't see that are the problem.  "The rocks you don't see?"  Hm...

So who's Nic?  Nic Coturri has done it all!

Here he is on his tractor.

                               . . .and spreading the compost

  . . . and putting out the pvc pipe for the irrigation

To seeding and finally,

TA DA!!!!!

As the cover crop grows, as things happen, I'll get back to you with updates.  Think of this as covered with with beautiful green and white flowers (only white flowers)...


  1. you have to show me how you did the page layout. i never figured out how to do that. good show!

  2. Marilynne and Sophie,

    How exciting to have a blog about your garden. It looks like you and Nick did a great job. I look forward to seeing yummy things grow.
    Love, Meryl

  3. So happy, that you're going organic, and that you will soon be nourishing us w/ your amazing harvest!!!

  4. Dear "debutant" farmers, Dear Sam&Sophie,

    The hidden rocks metaphor is splendid as I wish, will be your green to be field.
    Sophie's horse would be happy as well...and all of us with him,

    much love from Rome,

