Saturday, October 2, 2010

If you water it, it will grow

So it looks like we are beginning to bring the soil to life.  I get up during the night around 3 and turn on the water.  Next step, automatic timer.

Here's the reason:

This is Luciano.  He added extra sprinklers, changed the controls so I could turn them (!) on and off, and teaches me how to farm.

It's so green!!!!!

And it's the end of the summer!!

Growing romano beans, chard, kale, peppers and beets.

And winged beans, borlotti beans and basil.  

Next step, harvest the grapes, pick a few figs and wait for things to grow.  The compost will work on the soil, we'll turn the soil and plant fava beans, lettuce, chard, kale, beets, onions, leeks, and garlic in November before Luciano goes home for 3 months.